Dewberries Now Ripening

If you crave the flavor of a Dewberry, this is the time to get ready for picking this delicious wild edible.  While walking through 100 Acre Wood today, I saw these ripening berries.

Adding a handful of these tasty berries atop a cup of yogurt or atop a bowl of ice cream or cereal is a great way to enjoy this wonderful fruit.  Use them in the same manner you would a blackberry, but keep in mind that these smaller fruits produce less juice per berry.

If your culinary curiosity is piqued, here are a few ideas for you to consider.

Dewberry Dumplings

Dewberry Bread Pudding

Dewberry Custard Pie

Dewberry Cobbler  and  Self-Crusting Dewberry Cobbler

Dewberry Crisp (and Dewberry Jelly)

Dewberry Jelly  and  Dewberry Jelly

Dewberry Jam

Dewberry Syrup

Dewberry Tarts

Lemon Dewberry Muffins

Dewberry Wine

Happy trails!

2 thoughts on “Dewberries Now Ripening

  1. Thanks for the link back. I had high hopes for a great dewberry season this year. My favorite picking location was loaded. Then the rains and flood hit. The field was under several feet of water and the season was a loss for me. There is always next year!

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