Pre-Solstice Sampler of Trailside Blooms

Yesterday, I continued my wildflower inventories at Old Iron Spring Fitness Trail and along the Zim Smith Trail (that portion located within the Town of Ballston).  Here is a sampler of what I observed –

Purple-flowering Raspberry

Purple-flowering Raspberry

Common Milkweed

Common Milkweed



Staghorn Sumac

Staghorn Sumac

Hairy Cat's Ear

Hairy Cat’s Ear

Long-leaved Stitchwort

Long-leaved Stitchwort

Sulphur Cinquefoil

Sulphur Cinquefoil



Thyme-leaved Sandwort

Thyme-leaved Sandwort



Smooth Hawkweed

Smooth Hawkweed

Yellow Avens

Yellow Avens

Black-eyed Susan

Black-eyed Susan

Wild Parsnip

Wild Parsnip

Intermediate Dogbane

Intermediate Dogbane

Low Hop Clover

Low Hop Clover

Viper's Bugloss

Viper’s Bugloss

Deptford Pink

Deptford Pink

Hedge Mustard

Hedge Mustard

Today, I similarly continued my wildflower inventory at Dwaas Kill Nature Preserve.  Here is a sampler of what I observed –

Bush Honeysuckle

Bush Honeysuckle

Common Cinquefoil

Common Cinquefoil

White Avens

White Avens



Water Hemlock

Water Hemlock

Bristly Dewberry

Bristly Dewberry

Eastern Blue-eyed Grass

Eastern Blue-eyed Grass



Whorled Loosestrife

Whorled Loosestrife

Tall Meadow Rue

Tall Meadow Rue

Common Elderberry

Common Elderberry

Wild Garlic

Wild Garlic

Enchanter's Nightshade

Enchanter’s Nightshade

Smaller Forget-me-not

Smaller Forget-me-not



Stout Blue-eyed Grass

Stout Blue-eyed Grass

Happy Summer Solstice Eve!

As always, happy trails.

Summer is upon us

The summer solstice will occur on June 20.  Its arrival will mark the longest day of the year and also when the sun appears highest in the sky.

Rock Garden - Dyken Pond Environmental Center

Rock Garden – Dyken Pond Environmental Center

To celebrate and enjoy all those hours of daylight, we all should consider the opportunity to observe nature in a variety of sunlit settings:  dawn, mid-day and twilight.  Each will offer unique lighting (great for photography) as well as contrasting opportunities to view wildlife.

Barred Owl

Barred Owl

Here is a list of summer outdoor activities to consider:

Happy trails!


A babe in the woods

During my latest visit to Peter Desrochers Country Knolls Memorial Trails in the Town of Clifton Park, I happened across this wonderful sight –

Fawn of white-tailed deer

Fawn of white-tailed deer

Not far from there, I then saw a lone doe to whom I presumed that little fawn belonged.  All of which reminded me about some helpful tips when you come upon a fawn; please read.

My visit was to continue my ongoing wildflower inventory at this destination and I was very pleased to tally more than a dozen additional species.  Next spring, I will post a wildflower field guide for this property, similar to those I’ve compiled for a number of area nature preserves, parks and trails.

I did observe these blooms today –

Common Mock-orange

Common Mock-orange

Smooth Hawkweed

Smooth Hawkweed



Happy trails!

Blue Flag now in bloom!

To my surprise, I viewed many Large Blue Flag already in bloom along the northernmost segment of the Zim Smith Trail last evening.

Large Blue Flag

Large Blue Flag

So, if you enjoy seeing these large beautiful blooms in their natural setting, be sure to get out soon to do so!

Of the local destinations that I have visited, I would recommend any of the following:

Happy trails!