Another Sign of Spring – Draba

While continuing my wildflower inventory of Vischer Ferry Nature and Historic Preserve today, I spied a few clusters of –

Whitlow Grass (Draba verna)

These dainty plants (~2″ tall) with their tiny white blooms were wavering about in the morning’s breezes as if to greet each visitor taking the accessway over the Whipple Bridge entrance into the preserve.

A sure sign that spring has begun!

In late March or early April of each year, I keep a watchful eye open for this diminutive plant. I have a particular appreciation for it because it is closely related to another species (Draba reptans) that was highlighted in one of the essays by Aldo Leopold that comprised his entry for the month of April in his renowned book, A Sand County Almanac.

As an undergraduate majoring in natural resources studies, it was required reading. But, because it is such a well-written and insightful phenology of seasonal events, I have voluntarily read it cover-to-cover several dozen times since then. A dog-eared, duct-taped paperback copy resides in a place of honor (and quick retrieval) atop my home desk.

While I encourage you to give it a read if you’ve not yet had an opportunity to do so, I’ll leave you with this brief excerpt. It is a glimpse into the fitting tribute to both the plant and the arrival of spring from the essay, Draba.

Draba from Aldo Leopold Foundation

Happy trails!

Calling all fellow foragers: Join me for another series of online presentations

Please join me for each of my upcoming online presentations in a series of “Foraging for Wild Edibles” beginning this spring and continuing into the summer.

Please view the Events page for details about each session.

This seven-part series will feature these topics:

During each information-packed presentation, we’ll cover a few identification tips about each target species, its edibility, and a variety of delicious (and some eclectic) recipes for each to help bring out your inner chef.  Following each online presentation, a Portable Document File (PDF) will be available for download from my Foraging for Wild Edibles webpage.  Download each onto your mobile device and then use it to go on a self-guided foraging hike at the location(s) recommended in each info packet.

I hope you’ll join me.

All sessions (including the first six presentations from last year) will be archived and available for download from my Foraging for Wild Edibles webpage.

Happy foraging!

Second bloom of the year!

As I was removing the self-guided hike (for winter plant ID about invasive species) at Vischer Ferry Nature and Historic Preserve in the Town of Clifton Park today, I spied several of these shrubs in bloom – my second flowers of the year!  (First was Skunk Cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) a couple of weeks ago.)

Read about this native species, which is found in small patches of thickets along several of the towpaths throughout this preserve.


Happy trails!

World Water Day

This year, organizers of World Water Day are asking us to ponder this question:

As the saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words.”

The illustration above evokes a variety of memories of my own experiences with water:

  • boyhood fishing fun,
  • cross-country skiing throughout much of my lifetime,
  • coursework associated with my undergraduate studies,
  • an ongoing career working on a variety of water resources concerns, and
  • an infrequent subject of some of my hobby photography.

That’s a start on my thousand words.

What will your thousand words reflect?

I encourage you to think about it.

The United Nations General Assembly declared 2018-2028 as the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development.”  The Water Action Decade commenced on World Water Day, 22 March 2018, and will end on World Water Day, 22 March 2028.  Read more about this important initiative.

Meanwhile, here is a sampling of some of my photographs associated with water…I hope they evoke some of your own memories of your experiences with water or other thoughts as to what this life-sustaining substance means to you.

Sunrise over Ann Lee Pond

Berries Under Glass = Ice-coated fruits of Asiatic Bittersweet (red) and Common Buckthorn (purple-black)

Frozen Flood: The Mohawk River in Still Life

Fire and Ice = Result of freezing rain in mid-December 2008; viewed along West Towpath @ Vischer Ferry Nature and Historic Preserve

Ice halo around sun

Heron rookery in meadow along Ballston Creek

Nature’s Backlighting: Azure Cascade (Moss Glen Falls in Green Mountain National Forest, Vermont)

Foggy morning in Newport, Rhode Island

Sign at crossing of Lower Newtown Road along the Historic Champlain Canalway Trail

Bog at Dyken Pond Preserve – Rensselaer Plateau

Atlantic Twilight – Orleans, MA

Frosted thistle

Memories: A Kaleidoscope of Imagery through Depth of Time = autumn reflection on Ann Lee Pond

Cheers! (with H20, of course)

What Wildflower Begins Blooming This Week? (late March)

This week, I’m featuring Skunk Cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) as one of our local wildflowers that begins to bloom at this time.

Skunk CabbageSkunk Cabbage is the first native wildflower to bloom each spring.

Skunk Cabbage generates warmth by breaking down starch that it has stored over the winter in its roots and rhizome, or underground stem. This process is called thermogenesis.

The plant can keep its internal temperature fairly constant at about 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit for a week or two in early spring, even when the outside temperature is near freezing.  Once this crucial two-week period is over, it stops generating heat.

That’s a rather simplified explanation of what happens.  For a much more detailed explanation, featuring chemistry and mathematical equations, please feel free to read The biochemical basis for thermoregulation in heat-producing flowers.

-Thermoregulation in skunk cabbage (S. renifolius). (A) Skunk cabbages were photographed using a camera in the visible (left panel) and infrared spectra (right panel). The thermal image was taken with Thermotracer SC620 (FLIR). Heat production was observed in the spadix during the female stage of floral development. (B) The sequential changes in spadix (red) and air (blue) temperatures during floral development from the female to the male stage. Spadices at the female stage can maintain internal temperature at approximately 22-26°C, whereas spadices at the male stage cannot produce heat. Spadices at the bisexual stage between the female and male stages show unstable thermogenesis . Photographs of a female-and a male-stage spadix, are shown in the upper right and lower right panels, respectively . (B) was partially extracted from figure 1 in our previous paper (Ito-Inaba et al., 2009 a).

Source:  Yasuko Ito-Inaba. Thermogenesis in skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus renifolius): New insights from the ultrastructure and gene expression profiles. Advances in Horticultural Science 28(2):73-78. August 2014.

It is the only plant in our region that has this capacity.

Identification Tips:

At the center of the plant there is a short, round central root mass (a rhizome) out of which the leaves arise and from which the extensive root system forms.  The roots are each about a quarter of inch in diameter and extend out from the rhizome mass in large numbers and in all directions.  They grow unbranched for several feet and then terminate in an extensive system of fibrous rootlets.  They solidly anchor the plant into the often loose, mucky soil.  The roots have circular surface ridges which grab onto the soil and via root contractions actually help to pull the growing plant deeper and deeper into the soil.  Older plants, then, are rooted more deeply than younger plants.  This contractile root adaptation may also help to prevent frost heaving of the plant out of the freezing and thawing wet soil in which it resides.  The root system has been described as being virtually indestructible and may persist for decades and, possibly, even hundreds of years.  The roots are also important storage sites for the accumulated polysaccharides resulting from photosynthesis.  These energy molecules are used by the plant each year for its flowering and growth and also for the production of heat as described above.

This perennial plant produces a rosette of basal leaves during the spring; these leaves reach their maximum size by early summer, and they wither away by the end of summer.  The blades of these leaves are up to two feet long and one foot across; they are medium to dark green, oval, smooth along the margins, and hairless.  The leaf blades have prominent veins, especially on their lower surfaces.

The inflorescence consists of a spadix that is surrounded by a curved spathe (which is a modified leaf); they are located near the ground.  The curved spathe is about 4-6″ long and half as much across; it tapers to a point at its apex.  The convex outer surface of the spathe is brownish-purple and often streaked with yellow and red, or spots of purple and green; this surface is smooth and hairless.  On one side, the spathe remains open to reveal an ovoid spadix about 2″ long.  This spadix is covered in all directions with small flowers, each about ¼” across.  Depending on the local ecotype, the spadix can be pale yellow to dark purple.

Thermogenic plants are also protogynous, meaning that the female part of the plant matures before the male part of the same plant.  This reduces inbreeding considerably, as such a plant can be fertilized only by pollen from a different plant.  This is why thermogenic plants release pungent carrion-like odors; to attract pollinating insects.  The bruised foliage of this plant can produce a similar odor.  The spathe soon withers away, while the spadix becomes enlarged into a compound fruit with a blocky surface.  This globelike compound fruit becomes about 4″ tall and 3″ across; it is initially green and dark purple, but later becomes dark brown or black as it disintegrates.


Skunk Cabbage is considered a magical herb.  When wrapped in a bay leaf on a Sunday, it is believed to form a talisman that draws good fortune to the bearer.

Culinary and Medicinal Uses:

Ingesting the plant can cause mouth pain and irritation due to the presence of oxalates.  While some sources indicate that young, cooked leaves (or those thoroughly dried) can be safe to eat, it is probably best to simply avoid ingesting any part of this plant.  Overconsumption, particularly if raw, can lead to kidney failure and even death.

Skunk Cabbage was much used by North American Indians primarily for its expectorant and antispasmodic properties to treat bronchitis and asthmatic conditions, a use that is still employed in modern herbalism.  In the 19th century (from 1820 to 1880), the United States Pharmacopoeia listed Skunk Cabbage as the drug “dracontium.”  It was used in the treatment of respiratory diseases, nervous disorders, rheumatism and edema.  (NOTE:  The original 1753 classification for this plant by Carl Linnaeus was Dracontium foetidum.  Known as the “father of modern taxonomy,” he was the Swedish botanist, zoologist, and physician who formalized binomial nomenclature as the modern system of naming organisms.)

Externally, it has been used as a poultice to draw splinters and thorns, to heal wounds and to treat headaches.  The root hairs or rootlets have been applied to dental cavities to treat toothache.  A tea made from the root hairs has been used externally to stop bleeding.  An inhalation of the crushed leaves has been used in the treatment of headaches.  The leaf bases have been applied as a wet dressing to bruises.

Wildlife Value:

The flowers are pollinated by flesh flies, carrion flies, and various gnats.  These insects are attracted by the carrion-like appearance of the inflorescence and its unpleasant odor, which is enhanced by the increased temperature that is maintained within the spathe during early spring.  Caterpillars of Ruby Tiger Moth (Phragmatobia fuliginosa) feed on the foliage of this plant, but it is not exclusive to feeding on Skunk Cabbage.

The foliage is toxic and inedible to most animals because it contains crystals of calcium oxalate. However, after they emerge from hibernation during the spring, hungry American Black Bears (Ursa americana) and Snapping Turtles (Chelydra serpentina) occasionally eat the foliage, when little else is available.  White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) will eat the flowers in early spring, often consuming the spathe to gain access to the more nutritious spadix.  Canada Geese (Branta canadensis) and Wood Ducks (Aix sponsa) eat the seeds.

Where Found Locally:

Welcome to Spring!

The vernal equinox will occur approximately 90 minutes before sunrise tomorrow morning.

With longer days to come, the new season will begin heralding the emergence of a myriad of wildflowers and the unfurling of tree leaves throughout our area.

Emerging False Hellebore (Veratrum viride) leaves

Other signs of spring include the chorus of Spring Peepers (Pseudacris crucifer) in wetlands, the aerial acrobatics and “dance moves” of the male Woodcock (Scolopax minor), and the return of neo-tropical migrants.

Wake Robin (yellow/green form) (Trillium erectum)

Check on the status of spring around the country.

Trout Lily (Erythronium americanum)

With those extra hours of daylight and the return of warmer weather, consider these activities as part of your adventures this spring –

Lastly, I have scheduled numerous online nature events throughout this year, including those listed above.  Please join me.

Happy trails!

I have two questions for you…

Today, I strolled along the trails at Veterans Memorial Park in the Town of Clifton Park to enjoy the beautiful sunshine on this brisk day.  As I was walking along the trail through Mooney Carrese Forest, I came upon something I’ve never seen before and, for which, I certainly have no explanation.

A Yellow Birch (Betula alleghaniensis), approximately 2-3″ in diameter, is alive and growing out of a branch cavity of an Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobus) whose diameter is approximately the same number of feet.

You read that correctly.

To view this anomaly, please see observation #71148998 (which also includes a photo of the location of this pair of trees along the trail) and observation #71157371 (which is a panoramic photo of the entire Yellow Birch tree) that I posted earlier today on iNaturalist.

Now, for my two questions:

  1. Where are the roots of the Yellow Birch?  (I presume they are under the bark of the pine where the bulge appears in the pine’s trunk.)
  2. How is it possible that the Yellow Birch still lives?

Anyone?  Anyone?  Bueller?

Bonus question (for any mathematicians out there):  What are the odds of this occurring (particularly given that the Yellow Birch has been living years already!)?