Dewberries Now Ripening

If you crave the flavor of a Dewberry, this is the time to get ready for picking this delicious wild edible.  While walking through 100 Acre Wood today, I saw these ripening berries.

Adding a handful of these tasty berries atop a cup of yogurt or atop a bowl of ice cream or cereal is a great way to enjoy this wonderful fruit.  Use them in the same manner you would a blackberry, but keep in mind that these smaller fruits produce less juice per berry.

If your culinary curiosity is piqued, here are a few ideas for you to consider.

Dewberry Dumplings

Dewberry Bread Pudding

Dewberry Custard Pie

Dewberry Cobbler  and  Self-Crusting Dewberry Cobbler

Dewberry Crisp (and Dewberry Jelly)

Dewberry Jelly  and  Dewberry Jelly

Dewberry Jam

Dewberry Syrup

Dewberry Tarts

Lemon Dewberry Muffins

Dewberry Wine

Happy trails!

A Sampler of Summer Woodland Wildflowers

Thankfully, sunshine appears to be mentioned more frequently in the days ahead.  That seems much more appropriate since summertime should be sunny!

I continued my inventory of 100 Acre Wood in the Town of Malta on this somewhat humid but gloriously sunny Sunday.  The summer session of blooming wildflowers is just underway.  While the number of species that will begin blooming (particularly in area woodlands) will now begin to decline and be less overall in comparison to those that bloomed this spring, it is still worth your time to trek through a forest near you to observe the variety of species and colors.

I hope you enjoy this summer installment of a sampler of what is in bloom this week in a nearby woodland; take a look.

Pointed-leaved Tick Trefoil

Pointed-leaved Tick Trefoil

Indian Pipe

Indian Pipe



Whorled Loosestrife

Whorled Loosestrife

White Avens

White Avens

New Jersey Tea

New Jersey Tea

Happy trails!

Black Raspberries Now Ripening

If you crave the flavor of Thimbleberry (AKA Black Raspberry), this is time to get ready for picking this delicious wild edible.  While walking along Zim Smith Trail yesterday, I saw this ripening cluster of berries.

Fruit of Thimbleberry (AKA Black Raspberry)

Fruit of Thimbleberry (AKA Black Raspberry)

Adding a handful of these tasty berries atop a cup of yogurt or atop a bowl of ice cream or cereal is a great way to enjoy this wonderful fruit.  If you are feeling more adventuresome, here are a few ideas for you to consider.

Black Raspberry Cobbler

Black Raspberry Chip Ice Cream

Sweet Corn and Black Raspberry Ice Cream

Sugared Black Raspberry Tea Cookies

Black Raspberry Buttermilk Dumplings

Purple Hooter (adult beverage)

Vanilla Cream Cheese Cupcakes with Black Raspberry Buttercream

Black Raspberry Muffins

Black Raspberry Coffee Cake

Black Raspberry Crumb Bars

Black Raspberry Oat Scones

Black Raspberry Jelly

Black Raspberry Jam

Black Raspberry Cream Pie

Black Raspberry Walnut Torte

Black Raspberry and Sage Honey Tart

miscellaneous Black Raspberry recipes

And, lastly, if you want to try a non-food recipe:  Black Raspberry Vanilla Body Butter

Happy trails!