Morning Stroll through a Bejeweled Mooney Carrese Forest

After yesterday’s sleet and freezing rain followed by today’s sunny skies, it seemed an opportune time to take a leisurely walk through the Mooney Carrese Forest. Mooney Carrese Forest is located within Veterans Memorial Park in the Town of Clifton Park.

Backlit by the morning sun, the views did not disappoint.

Glazed White Pine (Pinus strobus) – Can you count the number of needles in each bundle?
Winterberry under glass – Glazed fruit of Common Winterberry (Ilex verticillata)
Prehistoric forest – collection of clubmoss, whose species have existed since before the glaciation of North America
Glazed bright red pedicle of Gray Dogwood (Cornus racemosa)
Bejeweled Mooney Carrese Forest

More winter wonderland scenes are forthcoming. Hope you seize the next “photo op” that Mother Nature offers.

Happy trails!

Calling all fellow foragers: Join me for another series of online presentations

Please join me for each of my upcoming online presentations in a series of “Foraging for Wild Edibles” beginning this spring and continuing into the summer.

Please view the Events page for details about each session.

This seven-part series will feature these topics:

During each information-packed presentation, we’ll cover a few identification tips about each target species, its edibility, and a variety of delicious (and some eclectic) recipes for each to help bring out your inner chef.  Following each online presentation, a Portable Document File (PDF) will be available for download from my Foraging for Wild Edibles webpage.  Download each onto your mobile device and then use it to go on a self-guided foraging hike at the location(s) recommended in each info packet.

I hope you’ll join me.

All sessions (including the first six presentations from last year) will be archived and available for download from my Foraging for Wild Edibles webpage.

Happy foraging!